The internal environment of your body is maintained at a pH between 6.5 – 7.5, which is alkaline. For
necessary cell reactions and functions to occur, our body must maintain this appropriate pH. When we
are in an acidic state, disease sets in. While your body can regulate pH, there is a limit to how much it
can neutralize which is why you need to take action to keep in an alkaline state. Excess acids can
accumulate from one or more of the following: an acid-forming diet, emotional and physical distress,
toxins from the environment and our foods, inadequate antioxidant status and high oxidative stress.
Please get some salivary pH hydrion testing strips (online or from me). Check your acid-alkaline balance daily and it should be tested first thing in the morning. An ideal pH is
>6.8 (but minimally >6.5). If you are not optimal, just keep working to become more alkaline as you will get there!
What Does it Take to Get Alkaline?
It usually takes 4 weeks to get into an alkaline state with a conscientious effort.
*Eat fresh, high quality whole foods from organic, biodynamic and local sources.
*Eat a wide variety of whole foods in a variety of ways to let your body select what it
*Hydrate and chew
* ½ organic lemon in 6 oz of water 2x/day (first thing in the morning and last thing at bedtime)
*Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tsp 2x/day (same as above) but always dilute with water.
Long -term excessive use could conceivably cause low potassium levels so monitor levels
*Organic Green drinks are recommended if you are not getting 6-8 servings of vegetables per day.
Consider the PaleoGreens from the office (I think it is tasty) or Suja which is store bought as the
sugar content should be low- ideally <4grams
NO alkaline water as this decreases stomach pH- which then depletes minerals and affects bones
Consider these nutrients below for antioxidant support:
*Complete Mineral Complex with Magnesium and Potassium
*Milk Thistle 140mg 2x/day *Alpha Lipoic Acid (because taking this orally is typically short acting and need to be dosed 4x/day, I recommend Lipoic Acid Supreme by Designs for Health which can be dosed 600mg 2x/day.
*L- Glutamine 3-6 grams daily away from food
*N- Acetyl Cysteine “NAC” by Designs for Health 900mg 2x/day (to support glutathione, our biggest detoxifier and antioxidant in the body)
There are many online resources on additional foods that are alkaline (and acidic which you should
Yours in Health