How Vitamin C Support For Your Immune System

For decades we have been told that vitamin C support is the key to preventing the common cold and the flu. This is absolutely right, but do you know why? Let’s break down what exactly vitamin C support can do to protect you… So what do we need to know about the immune system…  Your … Read more

The Vitamin C and Collagen Connection

Did you know that 1/3 of all the protein in your body is collagen? You have probably heard of collagen before in relation to healthy skin, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Vitamin C and Collagen plays a big role in our connective tissue strength but also in our digestion. Vitamin C … Read more

How Plant Enzymes can Help you Feel Better

As I’ve delved more into the world of food pharmacology (food as medicine), I’ve come to realize how important proper digestion and our digestive enzymes are to health, particularly for those of us managing Chronic Disease conditions. People with Chronic Disease usually experience some level of nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, digestive issues, and infections. These … Read more

Help With Heart Health

Heart health consists of these four conditions are associated with heart disease, cardiovascular disease: atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, high homocysteine and angina pectoris. 1. Atherosclerosis                                     Atherosclerosis is a condition in which cholesterol-rich plaque builds up along the arterial walls. … Read more

Don’t Overlook These Basic Features of Immune Health

Whether you’re trying to ward off the coronavirus, or just want to reduce allergies, autoimmune symptoms or your chance of getting the flu, we can all benefit by improving our immune status. Rather than load you up with a list of different nutrients to take, I want to focus on one important, basic feature of … Read more

Foods that Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system is an exquisite orchestra of cells, tissues, and organs that work in harmony to ward off disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes the system is out of balance, allowing germs to invade and make you sick. Experts say you can restore harmony in your immune system by fine-tuning what you eat, how you exercise, … Read more

The Importance of Optimum Levels of Vitamin D3

The prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency varies from 40-80 percent (general population) to almost 100 percent (patients with musculoskeletal pain) among Americans and Europeans. Vasquez, Manso, and Cannell described the many benefits of vitamin D3 supplementation in a “paradigm-shifting” review published in 2004. Our review showed that vitamin D3 deficiency causes or contributes to depression, … Read more

Functional Medicine Optimizing Immune Function

BEHAVIOR Hand washing: The most well-established way to prevent respiratory infections such as influenza and coronavirus is frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water. Scrub your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer: Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to reduce germs, but if they are … Read more

Suggestions to Help you Sleep Better

Achieving better sleep can lead to many health improvements. This list of suggestions for better sleep is not meant to be implemented in its entirety. Instead, pick three to four changes to implement to improve sleep quality. Minimize or Avoid Stimulants *Avoid alcohol (wine, beer, and hard liquor) within 3 hours of bedtime. *Avoid caffeine-containing … Read more

Managing Stress Around Infectious Disease

Stress is an integral part of everyday living. While stress by itself is not inherently a negative experience, prolonged stress can be quite harmful to the immune system, the adrenals, and the heart. Each individual’s reaction to the same stressor can be positive or negative. Using the Life Stress Questionnaire will help you to determine … Read more

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