Coconut Milk Whipped Cream


Coconut Milk Whipped Cream

Coconut Milk Whipped Cream

Whipped cream is the ultimate dessert topping but when you try this coconut milk version, you may never go back to the traditional dairy version. Enjoy this on the peach cobbler, baked apples, or simply with a bowl of fresh fruit. Delish!


  • 14 oz can coconut cream, or full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup erythritol, or 1 dropperful of pure liquid stevia extract
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract


  • Chill the can of coconut milk and a medium-size bowl in the refrigerator until cold. When cold, pour the coconut milk into the bowl; add the erythritol. With an electric mixer, whip the coconut milk for 10 to 15 minutes, or until fully whipped. Blend in the vanilla at the end.
  • Serve over Grain-Free Peach Cobbler or fresh fruit. Keep any leftovers chilled.

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