Zinc Deficiency – The Warning Signs
Are you getting enough zinc? Most People Are Not. In fact, it’s estimated that OVER 1.1 BILLION people are dangerously deficient in Zinc. But remember, that’s just deficient at the “minimum” level — in reality, 80-90% of the population could be deficient in “optimum” levels of Zinc. Especially when you consider there are multiple essential forms of Zinc. (More on this in a moment.) First, let’s look at some of the dangerous warning signs of Zinc deficiency.
Warning Sign #1:
You Don’t Sleep Long Enough
Most people focus on nutrients like magnesium or even things like CBD for sleep. But lack of Zinc is a major factor in sleep issues. In fact, in one study, researchers found that those with insomnia (difficulty falling asleep) had significantly lower levels of Zinc than those who fell asleep easily.
Warning Sign #2:
Your Immune System is Fragile
Many already know that Zinc is often an ingredient in cold lozenges. The reason for this is that Zinc has been shown to help prevent viral replication and therefore shorten the duration of the common cold. Zinc is a natural “carrier” for the immune system, helping it function properly. So if you’re prone to colds or your immune system feels fragile — you might be lacking zinc.
Warning Sign #3:
You Have Low Sex Drive or Mood
Did you know that zinc is a critical building block of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone? In fact, studies show that low zinc levels lead to “low T”… menopause-like symptoms and other hormone imbalances. So if you’re lacking sex-drive or your mood feels lower than normal, it could be a zinc issue.
Warning Sign #4:
You Gain Weight Easily
This was another discovery that shocked researchers. When they looked at obese people, they found that they were often lacking Zinc. And in one study, they gave two groups who were dieting the EXACT same amount of calories. But the Zinc group lost more weight than the group without Zinc. This shows Zinc is essential for a healthy metabolism — and if your metabolism is slow, a lack of Zinc could be the culprit.
Warning Sign #5:
Your Teeth Decay and Gums Bleed
If your dental health is an issue, and especially if your gums bleed easily — you might be lacking Zinc. That’s because this essential mineral helps tighten and strengthen the gums, reducing decay and even helping brighten your entire mouth.
Advanced Warning Signs
Advanced Warning Sign #1:
Your Nails Have Spots, Lines and “Spooning”
Vertical, or (EVEN WORSE!) horizontal lines on your nails can be a dangerous sign you have advanced zinc deficiency. Your fingernails, hair, and skin need a constant supply of zinc to stay healthy… Yet it isn’t stored anywhere in the body!
Advanced Warning Sign #2:
You Have Unexplained Hand and Face Wrinkles
Everybody has heard how good collagen and retinol are for skin health, but without zinc, they work far less effectively! Researchers found that zinc is required for the liver to release vitamin A and for the conversion of vitamin A to retinol.
Advanced Warning Sign #3:
You Break Out Easily and Often
It was found that low serum zinc contributed strongly to acne or pimples. Oral supplementation with zinc resulted in a statistically significant decrease in the number of papules, infiltrates and cysts in 58% of people.