Inflammation – ‘Greatest threat to human health’ – What You Need to Know

Inflammation. It’s a buzzword in health, especially as you age.

But most people I talk to don’t know much about it … What does it really mean?

I want to explain 3 things today.

Because understanding inflammation is important if you have ANY health challenges currently … AND if you want to avoid health issues in the future.

And it’s particularly important as you become older (and wiser!), because more naturally happens in the body as we age.

So, yes, understanding it is important for EVERYONE, including you. And I know people are confused, because they come to me with questions.

First of all — and this is one reason why it’s so confusing — inflammation can be GOOD … or it can be BAD.

How is that possible?

2 types exist:

  • ACUTE inflammation is what you feel after an injury = pain, swelling, redness — it’s temporary (usually lasting a few hours to a few days or weeks) and has a clear goal of protecting and healing your body
  • CHRONIC inflammation is lasting and causes progressive damage — it’s harder to pin down, which is why many people suffer for years without understanding what’s causing their health challenges

Your immune system creates inflammation to protect the body from infection, injury, and disease — that’s acute inflammation. (It involves releasing chemicals that set actions in motion.)

But, when inflammation persists, the body believes it’s under attack, and organs, joints, and tissues become damaged. The situation just keeps getting worse.


Chronic inflammation is like a fire that needs to be put-out in the body. You want to put it out as quickly as you can before the damage spreads!

The 2nd thing you should know is that the symptoms of chronic inflammation are WIDE-ranging.

Pain and mobility issues are common signs. But it shows up differently for everybody!

The signs and symptoms you experience depend on what area of your body is affected by chronic inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation

For example:

  • Your skin = swelling, rashes, itchiness
  • Your brain = mood and memory disturbances, inability to concentrate, anxiety, depression
  • Blood vessels = headaches, migraines, high blood pressure

And more:

  • Lungs = recurrent infections, mucus (runny nose, etc.)
  • Musculoskeletal = joint pain, muscle stiffness
  • Digestive tract = abdominal pain, nausea, gas, bloating
  • Immune system = swollen lymph nodes

If chronic inflammation persists in your body, symptoms may become even worse, potentially leading to fertility problems, fatigue, autoimmune conditions, cancer, heart disease, and serious health issues.

The 3rd important thing to know is that it’s the MOST significant cause of death in the world, according to the National Library of Medicine.

So, lowering inflammation in your body is very important — not only for how you feel on a daily basis, but also for avoiding or healing disease.

Symptoms can slowly build up. So, you may not realize your body is inflamed, until your daily life is affected.

What factors can contribute to chronic inflammation?

STRESS is a big one.

Also lack of sleep. Toxic exposures (like air pollution and EMF radiation). And unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Plus micronutrient deficiencies and leaky gut and other gut issues.

If you feel like chronic inflammation might be a problem for you, or if you want to avoid it becoming a problem, please contact me today at

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