Clinical Study: Neuropathy Socks For Pain Relief
Summary of: “Effect of Dermatone Neuropoint Activating Socks on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Pain in Feet“
While using compression socks for neuropathy pain is nothing new, we summarized a recent study that looked at a new kind of sock called Dermatone Neuropoint Socks or DNS for short, developed by VoxxLife.
DNS socks have a technology, called HPT, woven into the bottom of the sock. That tech sends a signal to the brain. This signal may help reduce neuropathic pain.
Illustration of HPT technology
Photo of HPT technology
Early data is encouraging and we summarize the findings of one of the scientific studies below.
Executive Summary
Painful Diabetic Neuropathy, or PDN, is a type of nerve damage that can significantly impact daily routines. Patients commonly report pain similar to a burning, electrical or stabbing sensation in the feet and legs.
The full study, conducted by Dr. Stephan Taylor and Jason Devos and published by Voxx Life, is titled: “Effect of Dermatone Neuropoint Activating Socks on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Pain in Feet (read the full study starting on page 12 of this doc)”
The study found that after one week of wearing these dermatome neuropoint socks, the average pain level reported by 1,000 neuropathy patients went from a 7 (severe) to a 2 (mild).
The Study on Voxx Socks For Neuropathy Pain
Sample Size:
1,000 people aged 35-72 years old with all of the following:
a) Painful diabetic neuropathy pain score > 4 for at least 90 days
b) Diagnosed with diabetes for > 10 years
c) No foot condition that would limit the ability to wear the socks
d) Typically wears regular diabetes-approved socks
Study Duration: > 6 months (circa 2016/2017)
The Method
Step 1:
1,000 diabetes patients completed a pain assessment form with the help of a Pain Management Expert
Step 2:
They then for 7 days regularly wore Dermatone Neuropoint Socks (developed by Voxx Life)
Step 3:
They then came back to the clinic the following week and reported their pain level to the expert
The Results
941 of the 1,000 patients reported feeling better / less pain.
To explain “significant reduction in pain”, the study states that 76.9% of pain scores using the Universal Pain Scale were reduced to a “2” or lower, which meant that the pain was manageable / can be ignored.
All patients entering the study reported at least a pain level of “4” when starting out, which is defined as “Pain that interferes with tasks.”
Graphs & Charts
Here is what the Universal Pain Scale / Assessment Tool looks like:
Everyone entering the study reported at least a level of “4” at the start with the mean score reported nearing a “7” or severe. One week later, 95% of those patients reported that their pain was reduced, typically to a level of “2” or lower, with the mean level reported as 1.806 or mild.
Here is a breakdown of the pain levels reported at the start of the study:
And a breakdown of the pain levels reported one week later after wearing the neuropoint activating socks (developed by Voxx):
Which gets us back to the combined chart shown at the top of this article:
Change In Pain Scores
To determine average change in pain scores, there were a series of statistical tests run that you can check out in the full report, but the summary of the data is:
- 18 or 1.8% of patients reported a 10% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 61 or 6.1% of patients reported a 20% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 113 or 11.3% of patients reported a 30% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 136 or 13.6% of patients reported a 40% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 145 or 14.5% of patients reported a 50% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 143 or 14.3% of patients reported a 60% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 147 or 14.7% of patients reported a 70% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 122 or 12.2% of patients reported an 80% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 39 or 3.9% of patients reported a 90% drop in neuropathy foot pain
- 17 or 1.7% of patients reported a 100% drop in neuropathy foot pain
Final Conclusions on Voxx Socks For Neuropathy
This study looked specifically at Dermatone Neuropoint Socks (DNS) developed by Voxx Life and the effect they may or may not have had on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN) foot pain.
The resulting data led the scientists conducting the study to report that this “phenomenon” needs to be further studied over a longer period of time, but initial data “shows promise in offering PDN patients an alternative for pain management.”