Dating back to ancient Egypt, and perhaps even further, cultures have understood the importance of the heart in relation to the body and spirit. The idea that this key organ is connected with our stressors and emotions, for instance, dates back to the Egyptians, who believed that the heart was the source of not only all emotion, but all wisdom and personality as well.
Similarly, the ancient Chinese found the heart to be the most important organ, as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) refers to it as the “ruler” of all other organs. The Greek philosopher Aristotle likewise concluded that the heart was the most important organ in the body.1
Heart structure and function
Today we know that the heart, which is roughly the size of a fist, has four chambers with two atriums and two ventricles. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from veins, which is then pumped to the right ventricle. Before being pumped to the left atrium, the blood is sent to the lungs where it is oxygenated. From here, the blood is pumped to the strongest chamber, the left ventricle, which creates contractions that create blood pressure to pump blood throughout the body.
Blood flows through from the right side of the heart to the left. Two types of valves, atrioventricular and semilunar, ensure that the blood flows in the correct direction. After moving through the aorta, blood circulates throughout the body, providing nutrients and oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide as well as other wastes.2
Energetic relationships
The heart is energetically connected with your wisdom teeth (even if they have been removed), top 2 vertebrae in your spinal cord, top 5 vertebrae below your spinal cord, and the vertebrae above the lumbar section of the spine. It’s also connected with the Pericardium and Heart TCM meridians. This means that the health of these vectors should also be considered when looking at the heart, stressors and vice-versa.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart is also believed to house the Shen, which is thought to be the center of all physical and mental activities. The Shen is related to the emotions of anger, sadness, joy, fear, grief, worry, and apprehension. It’s also said to have a regulating effect on other organs. In particular, the heart has a strong connection to the tongue. As such, problems with speech like speaking too quickly or having difficulty speaking at all may indicate a heart imbalance, according to TCM.3
Additionally, there is evidence that the heart generates an electromagnetic field that penetrates every cell in the body. This field is several times bigger and hundreds of times stronger than the electromagnetic field produced by the brain. This has led some physicists to believe that this field actually carries information to and synchronizes other systems throughout the body, which is similar to the TCM concept of the heart’s function. Research conducted by the institute of HeartMath also suggests that emotional states and stressors, specifically, are communicated throughout the body via this electromagnetic field.4
Heart-healthy activities
There are a number of activities, foods, and nutritional products that support heart health. Since excess weight has been linked to unhealthy blood sugar levels and high blood pressure, getting enough exercise and avoiding extra calories is recommended.
The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times a week, or at least 25 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise 3 days a week, or a combination of the two. Along with this, they also recommend some type of muscle-strengthening activity at least twice a week.5
Arm exercises in particular are believed to be especially good for the heart. Particular exercises recommended by Chinese Medicine Living are clenching fists, reaching for the sky, knee pushes, and tranquil breathing & teeth clenching.6
Excess stress is also bad for the heart. Some effective ways to reduce stressors in addition to exercising include positive self-talk, listening to music, laughing, meditating, and eating right.
Heart-healthy nutrition
Not all foods are created equal when it comes to promoting a healthy heart. Some of the most beneficial foods for the heart include antioxidants such as blueberries and oranges. The heart, of course, is associated with the color red, and it’s interesting that most red-colored foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, beets, red beans, and apples also benefit the heart.
As many are rich in tocotrienol vitamin E, most nuts are also great for the heart. You may also be pleased to hear that dark chocolate can have a positive effect on your heart. A recent study found that a 60-70% cocoa content in chocolate can lower the risk of strokes and heart attacks.7
Of course, there are thousands of nutritional products on the market that can support the heart as well. However, making the best decisions when choosing these products can be a difficult proposition.
The heart stressor Virtual Item
The heart Virtual Item is a key biomarker that’s automatically scanned in the Balance software and can be included in Select and Elite scans. Scanning this Virtual Item can help you make better decisions when it comes to heart health and overall wellness.
Along with other biomarkers included in a ZYTO scan, the heart is scanned as a stressor Virtual Item to determine if it’s in range or out of range. A balancer scan is then done to determine which Virtual Items bring the heart (if it is out of range) and other out-of-range items back into range.
The heart is in the Organs, Organs & Emotions, and Organs Glands & Systems categories in the ZYTO software, and will show up in the Organs chart of your ZYTO Report. By looking at the Vectors tab, you can see the parts and systems that are energetically connected with the heart, which we mentioned earlier. If several of these vectors on the heart circuit are out of range, it may be something you’ll want to ask more questions about and consider further.
Other stressor Virtual Items related to the heart are also available for scanning in the ZYTO Library for Select and Elite customers. These Virtual Items include:
- Chakra Four (Heart)
- EAV Heart Meridian
- The Heart and Lung Disharmony
- Heartbeat
- Heart Weakness
- TCM – Heart Meridian
Heart balancer Virtual Items
The balancers scanned to bring the heart and other out-of-range stressors back into range may include supplement, herb, essential oil, service, food, or affirmation statement Virtual Items. The benefit of doing this scan is that you will be provided with individualized information to help you choose the optimal nutritional products and services based on the body’s preference, or what we call biological coherence. This eliminates much of the guesswork when it comes to supporting your heart health and your overall wellness and reducing stressors on the body.
1.“A History of the Heart.” Stanford University.
2.Lewis, Tanya. “Human Heart: Anatomy, Function, & Facts.” Live Science.
3.Suttie, Emma. “The Heart in Chinese Medicine.” Chinese Medicine Living.
4.McCraty, Rollin. “Heart-Brain Connection.” Quantum Life Source.
5.“American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults.” American Heart Association.
6.Suttie, Emma. “The Heart in Chinese Medicine.” Chinese Medicine Living.
7.“9 Best Foods for Your Heart.” Daily Health Remedies.