The Vitamin C and Collagen Connection

Did you know that 1/3 of all the protein in your body is collagen?
You have probably heard of collagen before in relation to healthy skin, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Vitamin C and Collagen plays a big role in our connective tissue strength but also in our digestion.
Vitamin C can have a significant impact on collagen production – it’s actually quite powerful. Let’s focus on the connection to your skin, since it’s the easiest to understand…
Your skin has 3 different layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the fat layer. Collagen is mostly present in the 2nd layer, the dermis, which is what gives it the elasticity and integrity.
Cultured studies of human connective tissue that have been exposed to vitamin C have been shown to have an 8-fold increase in the overall strength and quality of synthesis of collagen. That means that simply by consuming vitamin C, or being exposed to the right amount, your collagen production can increase without the synthesis of other proteins.
This is perfect for someone that wants to decrease wrinkles, improve the look of the skin, strengthen joints or improve gut health.
Why is this important?
Because it means you have a targeted approach to increasing your collagen production without increasing other protein levels.
There are 2 different components to the skin: collagen and elastin, that work together harmoniously. They are held together by something called fibroblasts; a kind of cell found throughout the dermis.
Studies are starting to show cultured fibroblasts that are exposed to high amounts of vitamin C end up having a different gene expression. They’re exposed to lipid peroxidation which produces malondiadehyde, a very specific compound that creates a different form of gene expression, causing the body to produce more collagen.
So we have a 2 fold impact on the body’s collagen synthesis process. We have the ability to produce more, and stronger collagen simply by exposing the cultured tissue to vitamin C, but we also have the ability to change how our body builds the collagen in the first place by exposing the fibroblasts to vitamin C.
Now the question is…How do you get more vitamin C?
Option #1 is rubbing it on your skin, but this can get monotonous except in the case of skincare.
Option #2 is consuming it orally. The issue with this is that it’s water soluble, meaning that what you ingest, mostly comes out in the urine.
BUT Designs For Health has come out with a very interesting form of vitamin C, with Liposomal delivery, Liposomal Vitamin C. This offers maximum absorption, which means it’s going to survive digestion, cross through the enterocytes and into the blood stream, so it can geotarget the cells. Which means, you’re going to have an oral way of boosting your collagen levels with a natural, potent supplement.

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